Designed and Made in Australia | Free Shipping*

Designed and Made in Australia | Free Shipping*




Designed, developed and made in Australia 






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Every emission made by our business at every stage is measured, audited and certified by Our Trace

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Pfeiffer acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future traditional custodians and elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples.




As designers, we understand that we are responsible for the entire lifetime of a garment and how that impacts our people and our planet. For Pfeiffer, this responsibility starts at the very beginning and our aim is to create long-lasting, pieces that serve our wearers for years to come, whilst impacting the environment as little as possible.


Being sustainable has become a bit of a fad, but Pfeiffer has been conscious of this philosophy since inception. We’re not perfect, but sustainability to us means we’re doing what we can to be mindful of waste within the fashion industry and being conscious of the future we are handing to our children. It means making decisions within our business to support the people that work with us and for us.


Many people believe sustainability is an all or nothing approach, but it is a complex process and we are a company committed to forever learning, improving and accepting new technologies and developments that allow us to be better.



We select our fabrics from stock fabrics that are already available and have limited runs. This means we don’t produce more fabric and add more waste, in terms of chemical and labour waste. It also means our customers get a limited product.


With the exception of our linen (which is always in stock with our supplier), the fabric you buy from Pfeiffer is limited. When that fabric runs out, it’s gone forever.


Team and Development

We are committed to local talent and local industry. We do all of our development locally in Sydney, Australia and 75% of our production is made in Australia in workshops that comply with fair work standards resulting in a mutual respect between our design process and the workers who produce your clothes. We work directly with the same talented and experienced patternmakers, cutters and makers every single season. They’re part of our extended family and we have been working with the same people right from the beginning. We physically frequent every one of our factories and know all of the hands that make your Pfeiffer. 

While many fashion labels send imagery or samples to sample rooms and then freight samples back and forth until the design is perfect, we have face to face meetings with our patternmakers and then make the toiles ourselves until we are ready for the SMS stage.


We do not overproduce. Our stock levels are tight and we are very exclusive. Even when we recut, we are conservative so you’ll never see racks of dead stock sitting in our warehouse.


Pfeiffer was born from our founder’s desire to produce cool, fashion-forward but timeless designs that you would love beyond a season. It’s designed to make memories in. We stand by the philosophy that you should choose well, buy well and love your wares for a long time.


Life Cycle

We aim to make every Pfeiffer piece a garment that you will love and want to keep in your wardrobe for a long time. About 90% of our collections are linen, cotton or viscose with the remainder being polyester. We try our best to keep it natural, but sometimes the inclusion of polyester is needed to create the end result we’re after. We’re working on ways to reduce the use of the minimal polyester that we do.


Our fabrics are all machine washable. Dry cleaning and hot washing do a significant amount of damage to the environment, so we choose fabrics that can be cold hand or machine washed.



We use biodegradable bags for both production and online packaging. Our labels and care labels are all printed on cotton.

Your Involvement:

A lot of clothes’ carbon footprint actually occurs after you take it home and the good news is that you too can do your part to make a difference:


Only Wash As Needed

Our fabrics are thoughtfully selected for maximum wearability so it’s not necessary to wash them every time you wear them. Not only will you save water, your clothes will last longer. If you’ve collected a mark throughout your day or it’s only dirty in one place, simply spot clean it and hang it on the line to dry.



Line Dry Only

Not only does it save money off your monthly electricity bill, it conserves energy and the environment. Line drying your clothes for just six months out of the year can eliminate up to 700 pounds of greenhouse gases annually.


Cold Wash Only

Make sure your washing machine is set to cold to save energy and to help your clothes to live a little longer.


Hand Wash Synthetics

We recommend cold hand washing our garments containing polyester. The bad news when you wash anything made from synthetics – even if its recycled – is that it sheds tiny bits of microfibre, which can lead to plastic pollution. The good news is that clothes will shed less microfibres if you hand wash them.


Recycle or Donate

When the time comes that you no longer wear or love your Pfeiffer, don’t throw it out – sell it, give it away or donate it to someone else who can make some memories in it for years to come.

